Say goodbye to the designer/developer handoff

Visually design & code Vue.js apps. Realtime designer/developer collaboration, pair programming, Tailwind CSS based design system.

Design System based on Tailwind

The design system allows you to visually customize your Tailwind configuration. I think the place this is most useful is with colors and typography. You can edit existing colors for type, background, and borders or you can create your own with an integrated color picker. You can also create your own font families from Google fonts and add them to your project.

Visual Vue.js Component Studio

The component studio is a visual component editor that allows you to design with Tailwind utility classes, BUT also bring them to life with our visual Vue.js tools in the template and script sections. The component studio has been completely rebuilt to be almost entirely realtime. This allows designers and developers to work on the same areas of the design or code without conflicts. Our parsing techniques also allow for conflict free visual tool and code support to add template based logic, looping, events, and more that also automatically populate the script section of single file Vue components.

Responsive Image Studio

The Brook platform gives you access to some of the greatest open licensed content all in one place. In fact, without the generosity of so many talented designers, photographers, and typographers, this platform wouldn't be possible.

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We will use this newsletter to keep everyone posted on the progress of the platform and how to get access to the early preview versions.

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